20 July families to take to the streets in Malawi

July 20 Malawi prostests

Families that lost their relatives in the July 20, 2011 nationwide demonstrations have threatened to protest over unpaid compensations. Five years after the Police gunned down their relatives in cold blood.

In 2012, former President Joyce Banda promised all families that lost their relatives during the protests that government will compensate them.

Banda said money amounting to K30 million had been kept aside for the bereaved families but the relatives say up to date none of the families has received even a single coin.

Speaking with the local media, the spokesperson for the bereaved families Isaac Banda said they are meeting several challenges considering the fact that some of the people killed on the fateful day were bread winners hence life has now become difficult for those left behind.

July 20 Malawi prostests
July 20 2011 demos saw the loss of lives. (File)

“We are organizing nationwide demonstration because minister of finance, Goodall Gondwe told us that the government has no money to compensate us contrary to what the attorney General told us that we will get the money.

“So we are disappointed that we can’t find the truth of the matter as attorney general and minister of finance are contradicting each other. We are tired of being tricked that we will get our money.” worried Banda. He further said they are in the process of informing the authorities about the matter and said the exact date for the demonstrations will be known soon.

The 2011 protests which were sparked by worsening fuel shortages, rising prices and high unemployment in the southern African country, saw 20 people were reported killed.



  1. I dont think dat going to the streets 4 protests z a good idea. u mean lyk dat z showing de love & respect de deceased but u really know your loved ones died coz of de same protest so mwina mukufuna padzakhalenso chipepeso china. why every single thing 2 b solved with dialogue, mukumaopseza kupanga zionetsero u berak de shops & buildings of de innocent people not of de president. u kill each other damage other people’s cars but what do u gain at de end? Nothing. Tiyeni tizilankhula ngati ozindikira, ungamve bwanji ukuvomereza zionetsero atakuwotchera galimoto or nyumba yako anthu omwewo, udzaliriranso boma lomwelo kuti silinakutetedze. Think pliz!!!

  2. Damnit they must pay those families, they mustn’t feel like they were killing their police dogs: those were human beings .

  3. akupangiraniyo wakunamiza a bale anga. Inenso wa chibale anamwalira nthawi imene ija, tanenedwa zambiri ndipo zimatiwawa mpaka lero. ndalama ndizofunika koma osati zifike ku mademo akunenedwawo. Choti mudziwe imfa ya abale athu a malawi ambiri anachenjera since that time palibe demo ya chikoka yomwe inachitikapo ndizomvetsa chisoni ndiponso manyazi kuti pali mabungwe ena amene mpaka pano akupangabe bussiness yobera angerezi ndalama mudzina lomenyera ufulu ife pamene chonsecho akudzilemeretsa okha. Tikhale pansi ndikuona chitsogolo pa nkhani imeneyi.

  4. They dare not,let them find other avenues to have their grivancies heard and acted upon.The type of leadership we’re having in this our country at the moment is like that of Adolf Hiltler.It can do the unexpected to the citizenery with the sole aim of consolidating its power.

  5. Hahahahaha thi then means the families sold the souls of their beloved ones pangongole ya ma demo hihihihihihi mizimu ya omwalira pa 20July siiusa mumtendere sure…. Go on ndi ma demo amenewo kut mudye ndalama zimenezo…. .hihihihihihi

  6. Compasation boma likapereke kwa mbavazo what about anthu omwe anaonongeredwa katundu wao? Inu abale awo a mbava zija mupite kwa Mwakwasungura mukatenge kumeneko pajatu ankati iwo ndi ma hero

  7. Compasation boma likapereke kwa mbavazo what about anthu omwe anaonongeredwa katundu wao? Inu abale awo a mbava zija mupite kwa Mwakwasungura mukatenge kumeneko pajatu ankati iwo ndi ma hero

  8. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk mbola afta maluzi? Pitani muone polekera mmanamizanatu kumbaliko! Bwana lamulo liri mmanja mwanu akati nyonyonyo atcholeni miyendo azakula ndimtima woderera

  9. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk mbola afta maluzi? Pitani muone polekera mmanamizanatu kumbaliko! Bwana lamulo liri mmanja mwanu akati nyonyonyo atcholeni miyendo azakula ndimtima woderera

  10. Pafunika kuti muwomberedweso zitsiru za anthu ngati inu! Ndani adakuuzani kuti chipepeso amachita kukakamiza or litakhala lonjezo?kodi paja ambiri adali atumbuka eti,muziwona ndi dyera lanu muli naloro mbuzi za anthu,onsapeza njira zina zopezera ndalama bwanji?

  11. Pafunika kuti muwomberedweso zitsiru za anthu ngati inu! Ndani adakuuzani kuti chipepeso amachita kukakamiza or litakhala lonjezo?kodi paja ambiri adali atumbuka eti,muziwona ndi dyera lanu muli naloro mbuzi za anthu,onsapeza njira zina zopezera ndalama bwanji?

  12. Kaya Ma Demostration..anabwereranj…ku Malawi…ayayaya………..,,,,Kalikonse Amalawi.?.akut Demostration….,,kungozitenga zinthu Mwaumbuli basi………,,,,,,,…,,Ndikupepha Bwana Peter…kut ,”,Aliyense ofuna kukukwezani Bp mdizopanda pake mutumbulenso..matumbo,,kachikena,kunsewu komweko.!!..sitifuna anthu akuba through Demostrations”….Ndinu mukupangitsa dziko la Malawi kusaukirasaukira..ndiziwanda zanu zama Demozo…………,,

  13. ena mwa amene anaphedwa anali mbava afta all kulandira Dollar kulingati kukugulitsa azibale anuo coz its when u will b happy with money but wont see them again

  14. Guyz Ma Views Anga Ndikuwona Kt Sakulakwa Coz Analonjezedwa Kmaso Zilimmafairo Mu Ulamuliro Wamay Paja Amat Lonjezo Linadulitsa Mutu Wayohane Awapatse Basi

  15. This is sad ,every issue results in protests.where is that malawi that believe in discusions.i suggest that try to use any other way of communication other than this coz our culture respect the dead and value them..in this case try to transact this business wth sober minds so as to respect those who were dead and the relatives too.

  16. Muwafunse mai Joyce Banda akuziwa kumene kuli ndalama zachipepesozo ngati sakuyankhani ingoisiyani nkhaniyi.Ife tikudziwa kuti akukupopani ndi a opposition mogwirizana ndi a mabungwe. These people are failures they are trying all means to use weak people like you inorder to score political ponits. Ayambe iwowo kukupasani chipepeso kenako mupemphe ku boma .

  17. ngati sapereka chipepesocho. ife tidziwa chochita chifikwa wapolice amakhala ndi traning pamene anthu wamba sapanga traning. …bwanji amkaombela mkumapha ngati akupha nyama….panalibe njila ina koma kupheratu???…ulendo wina azadabwa nafe tikubwezera ndi mifuti tione ngati adzalimbe nda anagogofa awooo!!!….kodi anthu akutanzania analanda nyanja aja sadakawaombere bwanji amaopa chaaaa????….zopusa zimene zija mupangenso tithana tatopatu kale ife musatinyansee apa!!!

    1. Davie Gabliel Maluwa iweyo unangomva eti sunali ku Lilongwe. Anthu amene anali pa mdibidi wazionetsero sanaomberedwe. Okuba ku Kawale, ku 36, Biwi triangle ndi madera ena ndi amene anaombeledwa, izi zinali mbava zokwiya ndipo palibe chomwe police ikanachita kuposa kuombera. Boma silimasuka pa nkhaniyi chifukwa cha ndale basi. Anthu amene katundu wawo anaonongedwa nyumba, galimoto, mashop ndiamene anayenera kupepesedwa ndi boma chifukwa anthu ofuna kulanga bomalo anakalanga iwo anthu wamba. Mbava zomwe zinaomberedwa ziribe ntchito siziyenera chipepeso.

    2. Davie Gabliel Maluwa iweyo unangomva eti sunali ku Lilongwe. Anthu amene anali pa mdibidi wazionetsero sanaomberedwe. Okuba ku Kawale, ku 36, Biwi triangle ndi madera ena ndi amene anaombeledwa, izi zinali mbava zokwiya ndipo palibe chomwe police ikanachita kuposa kuombera. Boma silimasuka pa nkhaniyi chifukwa cha ndale basi. Anthu amene katundu wawo anaonongedwa nyumba, galimoto, mashop ndiamene anayenera kupepesedwa ndi boma chifukwa anthu ofuna kulanga bomalo anakalanga iwo anthu wamba. Mbava zomwe zinaomberedwa ziribe ntchito siziyenera chipepeso.

    3. Mupite kwa Mwakasungula akatenge chipepeso kumeneko mesa ankati ndi ma hero? Foolish anthu okuba ngati amene aja mpaka chipepeso what about omwe anaonongeredwa katundu wawo?

    4. Mupite kwa Mwakasungula akatenge chipepeso kumeneko mesa ankati ndi ma hero? Foolish anthu okuba ngati amene aja mpaka chipepeso what about omwe anaonongeredwa katundu wawo?

    5. mbavanso zimalandila chipepeso? musatinyasepo apa munapangisa anthu kutaya katundu wao wankhaninkhani chifukwa cha mbava zimenezi. mumafuna muzipha apolice ndiye kuntima kwanu kuti myaaaa. Ngati uli umphawi yanganani njila zina osati zofuna chipepeso mwauponda.

  18. Muwafunse amabungwe wo kuti akuthandizeni chifukwa ndiiwo omwe anaphetsa anthuwo., Anthununso mmaputsisidwa ndi mabungwe muone iwo olo mtsogoleri mmodzi palibe yemwe anaphedwa ngakhale mbale wao, Mutengerepo phunziro osamatengeka ndi zinthu zomwe sukudziwa tanthaudzo lake

  19. Nanga titi kumene ndikhalidwe lathu? kodi bwanji kutaya chikhalidwe chathu amalawi? kupitadi pamuseu chifukwa chachi pepeso chamaliro?? can w then call them to love thr lost ones?? as w say RIP nanga apapa yilipo??

  20. Kalulu akhakhala pa masamba amamenya ndi masamba omwe. Awa ankamenyera ufulu nkati mwao akuba ankaba, onse anawaphera kumodzi. Kumatcha pa sewu sizithandiza chifuwa opeleka chipepeso Ali Ku maofesi, ife akunseu ndiwongoonerela. Ndichimodzimodzi kudandaulira olandira ndalama kusiya odula nyaMa.

  21. Ngati munazituma mbava zinzanu zija kuti kafeni ife tizapangidwe compasate #N’GOOO Mwauponda pano boma lili busy kuthana ndi njala yativutayi,kulipiraphunzitsi a ODL ndalama zao zamiyezi ingapo,kugula mankhwala,fuel ndi zina zofunika kwambiri osati zamanyi mukunenazo.

  22. Afuse ngati azibale ama abino akuladindila ndalama za chipepeso kuchokela ku boma,, zikuoneka kuti ndi zakuntundu, nanga wina anafa komweko lelo m’bale wake akupitaso komweko

    1. Kodi inu ndikoyamba kumva kuti a Police apha munthu ku Malawi kuno?? Kodi kwachitika ziwoneselo zingati ku Malawi kuno?, nanga ziwoneselo zosezo anthu amafa? Pena tisamaikile kumbuyo maganizo oti satipindulila

    2. Ndiponso..Zinali Mbanva…apolice ,anachita bwino..kupheratu,,,………Apolice sanaombele Gulu la anthu onse bwanj..omwe ankapanga ma Demo..?….anthu analipo masauzande-saundee…..Cholunga mukweze Bp..prezident akalakhula milakwika..kut Mukadye Zitete…muziti..niwoyipa……?…Naye ndinunthu osamamupatsa pressure zopanda pake

  23. putting the malawi government aside,i think their is some kind of unkindness to the deceased families.Despite the deaths of their family members they shouldnt have concluded with protests in revenge to government’s unfulfilled compensations,they need to show love to the dead since this is like showing luck of internal love,,the love of money has dominated their minds not thinking of their lost one

    1. That’s a very stupid idea,money can’t bring back their loved ones #Harry if it were me? I wouldn’t take the money cause I would feel like selling out the souls of my relatives,and their deaths would be in vain

    2. I support them government must pay them,some of the pipo who died were bread winners of these families and since then,no one is supporting them,where ever in the world u can go this thing happens if u have lost your loved one in such a way,in fact government was not supposed to be reminded or taken to court but just do it for the poor souls.

    3. aaaa mind you ”money is less than mindset”,for instance you can be given twenty thousand and you can fail to use it properly yet another person can invest in something great.so talking about that some were breadwinners of their families despite the government’s delay i think they must have indulged themselves in some small scale businesses,,all they want is to enjoy the ”death allowance”(note:in quotes) of their relatives ”zikusiyana pati kusangalalira chuma chamunthu omwalira?”,anyway after they receive the money and it vanishes from nowhere won’t they cry for the loss of their loved ones?? from there let me call it a pause…

    4. Umphawi wina wu abale umabalalitsa anthu kumaganiza zobwerera mbuyo ati akayenda nde ziathandiza chani? Kufuna ndarama adzidya chifukwa cha imfa? Shame! !

  24. Dziko liri ndi mabvuto ochuluka kale nduye wina aziyembejedzera kulandira ndalama kamba koti mwana kapena m’bale wake anafa pomwe amkathandiza Undure mwakadungura kupanga bread wa kunyumba kwake? Nosense.

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